Do you think you have the inside lane when it comes to finding the webs next big thing? Can you spot a good idea a mile away and then accurately predict whether it will be successful or not? Can you read minds??
I can do none of these things. I would like to be able to them all.
I am currently working for and what I'm trying to do is create a little bit of buzz and get more people aware of our website. As things stand I've got a presence on twitter, blip and (just now) bebo yet these few little grains are lost among the huge dunes of sand around us.
What I don't want to do is approach random people with friend requests as I, for one, despise this type of lazy and tedious self promotion. So here I am, starting a blog (my first blog) with the hope of learning some tricks and sharing some thoughts.
What I won't do is talk just about For example I hope to share some cool applications and sites that I've come across over the past few months in this job, here are a few: - store all your photos, music, videos online! - an alternative to Google (not that you need one really) - all of your music collection, anywhere in the world! - a place to find and store all of your social media